Friday, December 14, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Thanksgiving, Polkadot shoes, Bye Bye, and BAWT!
Addison LOVES picking up things, and giving them to you. Today as I was cleaning out the dishwasher, she crawled over, grabbed a spoon, and gave it to me. So I put it away. Then she grabbed a fork and gave it to me, so I put it away. This continued until we had put all the silver wear away! (I had taken out all the sharp utensils because I saw her coming.) I've decided this is definitely something I am going to encourage!
Today Addison also surprised us all when she was eating breakfast. I was feeding her in her high chair, and Bart came over to feed his frog, so Addison saw him and squealed with delight, "Bart!" (The r was more of a w sound, but the word was unmistakable). Then I was upstairs with Addison and called down to Bart to get me something, and after I had called to him, Addison looked to the door and called, "Bawt.....Bawt....Bawt." Until he answered! Then, at Church during primary Addison was being fairly rowdy, so I let her crawl in the Hall. Bart was teaching a class at the end of the hall and Addison heard his voice, so she bolted for the classroom. I ran to get her, and after I had picked her up she screamed, "BAWT!!!" And threw her head back right into my tooth. It hurt a ton, but fortunately it didn't break skin. Addison cried for a second, and wound up with a little bump, but other than that she was okay. I'm really going to have to start working on calling Bart Dad instead of Bart.
Well, that's it for now. It was a long one, but hopefully it won't be so long before I write again.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Going pantless
But then it got to be like an hour and a half, and she was still up talking to her self. This was pretty unusual, and we had to go somewhere so I decided to go up there.When I opened the door there was my little girl, standing on the side of the crib smiling at me, pointing at a book she wanted that she had thrown on the ground... completely naked from the waste down.
She had gotten both her pants and her diaper off, and was just chillin in the buff. No wonder she was so happy for so long. I wanted so badly to run and get the camera, but I knew if I left she'd start crying and usually when she starts crying really hard, she poops. I didn't think it was worth the risk.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Day Care, Bums Up, and Belly Blows
So, I started looking into it. It was kind of a miracle really. I had known about her for over a month, and was thinking about using her next semester, but I really didn't like the idea of a day care type thing, even if it was in someone's house and very good, so I had put off going to visit and ask questions. Then last week I finally decided that I'd call and set up an appointment to visit either the end of this month or the beginning of next month. I called, and they said, "Well, why don't you come tomorrow." My head said, No, I just want to come at the end of the month, but I heard my mouth say, "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow," which was especially crazy because I was really busy the next day and I really hadn't done much research on what to look for in a good day care.
So, I was up late that night researching, and basically everything I read said, this is what you want...but if you're going to be doing family care (i.e. in someone's home), you probably won't get a lot of it. I was like, "Great. Oh well, hopefully they'll have everything else." I went and observed what the kids did for the morning (which is when Addison would be going), and asked them all my questions. And all that stuff they said you wouldn't get in a family care, they had! And so much more!! They have scheduled story, game, art, outside, singing, meal and free times. It was neat, orderly, and clean. They disinfected their toys regularly, and the infant toys daily. They are a registered child care business, so they have to keep up with state standards. All of their workers and subs are licensed and have had background checks, and they keep up to date on the latest child development and care issues by going to training meetings, and even teach some workshops up at UVSC about child care/child development. The babies each have their own rooms to nap in. They will do your bedtime routine with your baby. There have about 7 kids (8 including Addison) ranging in ages from 6 weeks to four and they really try to develop sibling like relationships between them. They Hold and cuddle the babies, they provide age appropriate activities, they pretty much have everything!
This was on a Thursday, so I figured I'd talk to Amy about it some time during the weekend and then call them back on Monday. Amy called later that day, and although I wasn't planning on talking about it, I heard myself bring up the subject. Amy said it was okay with her even if we just started her right away and that she could use the extra time. I talked to Bart about it that night, and he thought it was a good idea too. So, on Friday morning I called them back and asked if I could come fill out all the paper work and have her start on Monday. They said to come on over. While I was there, they were telling me that they were really happy I had called back because someone else called right after I left asking if they had an infant opening. They said that they did, but that someone was looking into it so the lady said she'd call back Friday afternoon to see if it had fallen through. So if I had waited until Monday, the opening may not have been there.
The first day was a little hard. They said she cried for about 15 min after I left, but then had a pretty good day, but when I got there she was crying again because they had just put her coat on her and she didn't want it on. The next two days, when I picked up Addison, she was very mellow, and it took me a while to get her back to her normal happy squealey mood. Every day they told me she was doing really well. Eating well, sleeping well, and playing and laughing and everything, but the fact that she either wasn't happy or wasn't herself every time I went to pick her up was leaving me with an uneasy feeling.
On Thursday, on my way home from work I said a little prayer. I asked Heavenly Father to please let me get a good sense of how Addison was really doing there when I picked her up that day. I told him that I knew that we had gotten a confirmation that this is where she should be, but the fact that whenever I picked her up she was either sad or not herself was really bothering me. I begged him to help me feel that reassurance again.
When I got there, everyone was outside playing. Addison was sitting next to one of her friends and one of the Ladies in one of those long swings, and she was as happy as could be! She was laughing and babbling, and grabbing her shoes. Normally I pick her up, ask how she did, say thank you and leave, but today the ladies were especially enthusiastic to tell me how she had done today. One of the Lady's kids was practcing the piano before she left for school that day, so Addison and one of her friends were over there singing and dancing away. She was playing really well with the other kids and loving story time. She was taking two hour naps and never had any problem going down, and she had eaten especially well.
Addison has also learned two new things. The first is Bum's up (sticking her bum in the air and looking through her legs). She's actually been doing it for a while, but whenever you would move to do it back to her, she'd sit down and look at you to see what you were doing before you could look back at her. Well this week I was finally able to look through her legs at her before she sat down, and she though it was the funniest thing ever! It was so cute!
She also learned to do belly blows. She absolutely loves playing with my belly button, so I was laying down and letting her when she opened her mouth like she was giving a kiss, and put it on my belly button. I thought she was trying to kiss my belly button, but then she started to blow! It was so funny, I just started laughing, then she started laughing. Now she thinks it's the funniest thing ever and loves doing it. It's sooooooooooo cute!
As for Bart and I, we are doing well. This new schedule of me working in the mornings is working out well for Bart too. Now he can stay after and get more of his lesson plans done, so he feels like he's more on top of things, then when he comes home we can do things together. I like spending more time with him. It's been a ton of fun.
And it's been nice for me. I used to go to work in the mornings on Mondays and Wednesdays and then in the afternoons on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. It's nice to just have the same schedule every day. It's been a lot easier to get into routines, so I feel like I'm getting a lot more done. Plus my day isn't broken up by work. I just get it all out of the way in the morning, and then can do whatever I want for the rest of the day. It's been great!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
She Speaks!

Sunday, November 04, 2007
Dancing, Football, and Haircuts
Here is a video of her dancing. She was a little provoked to dance in this video, but she does it on her own too. :o)
Oh, and before we went to the BYU game, I got my hair cut! I cut a TON off, but I love it. Here's a picture.
On Sunday, Addison had the HARDEST time with the time change!!! She woke up early, even without the time change, and then took her nap early too. By the time we went to church it was over an hour past her nap time. She was so horrible Bart ended up taking her home after sacrament meeting so that she could take a nap! That's NEVER happened before! Hopefully this week she'll adjust to the time change and be a little better next week.
This morning was pretty cold in our house. I got dressed early, but was wearing my slippers to keep my feet warm. When we got to church, I got out of the car and started walking toward the building. Bart took one look at me and said, "Rebecca! You're wearing your slippers!" I had forgotten to put my shoes on!!! I was laughing so hard!!! Fortunately we had left early, so I had enough time to go home and get my shoes. We were both laughing so hard!
That's pretty much it for this week. I will write again next week...actually, we're going to St. George next weekend for Bart's Sister's Daughter's Blessing, so it may be two weeks. But until then. Au Revoir.
Friday, November 02, 2007
Happy Halloween
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Happy Pre-Halloween Week
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Picky Picky Picky

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Something doesn't quite fit
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
100 loads of laundery in the washer

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Doctors, Doctors, Doctors, and More Doctors.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
A Last and two Firsts, and a second.
My family came to visit on the Thursday before labor day. They came up to bring Amy’s stuff back up to college, and so that we could see Eric one more time before he leaves on his mission. It was a lot of fun hanging out with them all weekend. Eric even helped us get and install a new hard drive on our computer…we are SOOOOOOOOO screwed technologically when he leaves.
Friday we ran some last minute mission errands. Eric & Bart stayed up late playing Star Wars Lego. Bart loved it. I’m still trying to figure out if Bart or I will miss Eric more. :o)
The next day Dad, Eric, & Bart got to go to the BYU game. It was AWESOME!!! Mom & I stayed home to watch the game. It was an awesome game!
Monday morning Amy & I drove my mom, dad, and Eric up to the airport. It was really sad. I think it’s not quite sinking in that that will be the last time I will see him for 2 years!!! I bet it will really start to sink in after he leaves and I can’t talk to him on the phone any more.
On Saturday, Addison got a runny nose. I wasn’t too worried because it was clear, so I thought that she was probably just teething. On Sunday it got a little worse, and was more cloudy, but she also was sneezing a lot and her eyes were watering, so I thought maybe it was just allergies. Bart has bad allergies, and they’ve been acting up a lot lately.
She didn’t sleep very well Sunday night because she couldn’t breathe, so I decided I’d set up an appointment with the doctor on Tuesday just in case. Monday night she slept very well, and even slept in until 9:00. I almost didn’t call the doctor because she seemed to be doing better, but I figured I’d better go to figure out whether or not she had allergies.
Addison’s nose had stopped running, and she was as happy as could be when we got to the doctors. I felt a little silly being there, but when the doctor looked in her right ear it was bright red. She said, “Wow! I can’t believe you’re so happy little girl. That’s a pretty bad ear infection.” She wrote out a prescription for the infection and sent us on our way. I NEVER would have guessed it was an ear infection! She’s been SOOOOOOO happy lately! She’s hardly been fussy at all!!! I SWEAR! I have the happiest baby in the world.
So this week I saw my brother for the last time in two years, and Addison had her first ear infection. So far, a not-so-good first and last, but it gets better!
I got Addison some nesting cups and "The Very Quiet Cricket". My family got her a bunch of cute clothes. One of which she wore on her birthday. Bart's Family got her a doll, a bunch of awesome books, some really cool balls, and some sippy cups. She loves them ALL!!! She is just thrilled to have some new toys around. :)
I wanted to make chocolate cupcakes that I could frost and then let her get as dirty as she wanted eating it. But I totally burnt them, so I had to make brownie panckaes because we didnt' have any more cake mix.
The next day some of Bart's Brothers and Sisters were coming down to celebrate Addison's birthday, so I went and got a cake mix and made some cupcakes. Addison got her day with the frosting. :)
Bart's Parents, Sarah, Charles, Heather, and her sister Michelle stayed the night. The next day, Amy, Heather, Michelle, Sarah and I ran the Spanish Fork 5k. And I came in 2nd in my age group!!! YAY! True, if I hadn't had a birthday last month, I would have been like 17th, but we won't think about that. And! The only girl who came in ahead of me won the entire 5k!!! (Boys & Girls Considered)!!! So I was pretty proud of myself.
Sarah also took first in her age group, and Michelle took third, so in our group we had a first, a second, and a third. :)
Although the last at the beginning of the week was a little sad, Eric is going to serve the Lord...and although the ear ache was not fun, we are grateful that she hasn't had more. So overall it was a pretty good week.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
My Baby’s Sleeping Through the Night!!!

Well, Addison is getting closer and closer to walking. Right now she can stand for short amounts of time without holding on to anything…that is if she forgets that she’s not holding on to anything. If she realizes at any point that she is not holding on to anything, she will get this terrified look on her face and slowly reach her hand out to whatever is closest to her, once she is securely holding on to it she will squat down and sit. It’s pretty funny.
She has also started doing this thing where she’s kneeling, but one foot is up on the ground and she sort of bounces there. It looks like she’s about to stand up, but she never does. She just bounces. It’s pretty funny.
She is getting solids at least two times a day now, which is an absolute mess!!! She’s been constipated lately, and we couldn’t understand why. We took her completely off of rice (or other grain) cereal, and fed her fruits and veggies to her hearts content, but it wasn’t helping. We finally decided maybe it was the formula we were feeding her, so we switched. Sure enough it worked. But then we started trying the cereal again, and it plugged her right back up! So I’m not sure what to do. I’ll talk to the doctor about it next week…
Speaking of which! I got an email at the beginning of the week saying, “Next week your baby will turn 1!!! I was like, “What, no, that’s not right.” So I went to check the calendar. Sure enough, next Thursday, she’s one! I couldn’t believe it! I can’t believe how quickly the past year has gone by!!!

She’s also getting much better at getting what she wants. This past week Bart left the diaper bag all zipped up in her play area. She somehow figured out how to unzip it, pulled out the formula can, opened it, and dumped it on the ground.
We have set up a baby gate in the door that leads to our kitchen so that she can play in the front room and I can work in the kitchen without worrying about her coming in there. We have molding at the bottom of the door way, so we usually put the gate up about 4 inches from the ground. Yesterday I was clearing out the dishwasher, and I look over. She is laying on her stomach flat on the ground, reaching her hands under the gate to try and get something on the kitchen floor!
She’s also really starting to learn how to talk…not that she understands what she’s saying, but she’s always saying stuff. When she wakes up, she almost always sits in her crib and babbles to her self for at least 15 min. Also, when she’s playing with her toys, she’ll talk to herself.
We’ve tried to get her to consciously say words too. I think she’s finally catching on…although she doesn’t quite have it. Whenever I say, “Say Mama.” She smiles, and very obediently says, “Dada.”
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Hawaii Baby!
Amy & Stacy, my sisters, came home from the reunion with us and celebrated the 4th of July here. Bart's brother and his roommate also came. It was a lot of fun. We got some fire works and set them off on our street. Addison loved it.

Day three was Bart's birthday. Last Christmas my mom sent us a book about Kauai and told us to go through it and see if there was anything we really wanted to do. The only thing Bart really wanted to do was a hike along the Napali coast. So that's what we did for his birthday. He originally wanted to do a huge overnight hike, but he decided a smaller 8 mile hike would work. It was AWESOME!

Day four we went on a mud-buggy tour. That was a blast!

Day five we got to go on a really cool adventure. We started out kayaking, then we hiked to a zip line and did that, then we went to this pool with a HUGE rope swing that you could jump off of into the water! It was a total blast! All the other excursions we had left Addison at the hotel with my mom, but this one they got to come on. I wasn't sure how Addison would like the kayaking, but after the initial dislike of her life vest, she did pretty well. I set her on my lap, and held the paddle in front of her and paddled. It was a great adventure.

Bart is starting school again on Wednesday. The teachers need to be there a week before the students have to come. I'm going to miss having him at home. There are definitely some advantages to having the summers off.