Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Beach

Okay, so seriously, if I'm EVER going to catch up on my blog I'm going to have to get moving. So I apologize for the few words and thrown together collages. But here goes.

Once upon a time we went to the beach and stayed on Fashion Island. The mall is awesome, go there.
Beach - Fashion Island

The actual beach we went to was Corona Del Mar. There were lots of people there that day.
Beach - Everyone

Bart left early to take the twins and Hannah back to the hotel, so it was mostly me and Addison all day. We didn't mind. :)
Beach Addison Water

Beach - Addison Bucket

Beach Boogie Boarding

We went and got Bart and headed towards the Fun zone...but stopped on the way at this restaurant to eat.
Beach - Balboa Harborside Restaurant

The Fun Zone :) Hannah got to ride a merry-go-round for the first time.
Beach - Balboa Fun Zone

And then we went to the candy store where we bought a million pounds of saltwater taffy. (I think my kids were trembling with excitement when they walked into the store).
Beach - Balboa Candy Store

Then we had to go home. It was sad.
Beach - Balboa Going Home
The end.


chris said...

What do you use to put together your collages? I could download a photo and figure out, but I'm lazy. You are developing your photography eye quite nicely.

Rebecca said...

Thanks Chris! I use Photoshop. For my birthday, Bart got me this Photoshop Script called the moirai compositor. It's pretty pricey, but I do tons of scrapbooking (and blogging) so it's saved me SOOOOO much time. It doesn't do everything I'd like, but it's pretty darn handy.