Monday, November 17, 2008

Okay it's Official

I'm pregnant. And HORRIBLY morning sick...I HATE the first trimester.


A. Pearce said...

Congratulations! I was just on facebook and I noticed your status ... I'm so excited for you.

janae said...

oh YAY!!!! I'm so excited for you!! Yeah, the first trimester is so rotten. Actually, so is the third (can you say beached whale??) But man, that second trimester rocks. I hope these next weeks pass by quickly for you!!

Ashley said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! We are so happy for you.. my mom says she's happy you're throwing up ;) wink wink.. jk YOu'll have to let us know when you find out what your having!!

Maylin said...

wooo-hoo-dee-hooo! so excited for you! boo for morning sickness!

Loni said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Janice came to VT and said you weren't feeling well so you couldn't make it. We both thought, hmmm, I wonder if she is pregnant! I told her I will have to check her blog, because that's usually how people announce it these days! So thanks for the post, that is great news. I hope you start feeling better soon!!

Nicole Fryer said...

Yeah that is so exciting. When are you due? Sorry your sick that is makes mornings so miserable.