Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Smile - I Heart Faces

Well, Sunday morning Bart officially shaved off his beard...but not before we had a little fun.  This was the last of a series of photos we took before he became completely clean shaven.  (Don't worry, I'll be posting more soon..they're totally worth the wait). 

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And because he is a trooper pretty much the most amazing husband ever, he's letting me enter it in the I Heart Faces monthly photo challenge.  The theme is smile.  You can check out more smiles on the I Heart Faces web page (click the image below)...but I suspect none of them will be quite like this one.  ;)

 I Heart Faces

1 comment:

Jenna and Daniel said...

Bwah ha ha! You didn't make him keep it? He totally could have creeped people out! That is fantastic! I can't wait to see the others.