Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Her First Letter to Santa
On Monday Addison wrote her first letter to Santa. She didn't tell us she was doing it, but she did ask us how to spell a few words while she was writing. Then she asked Hannah what she wanted for Christmas and wrote a letter for her too. When she was done she brought us the note and told us she had to put it on the fireplace so that Santa's elves could come and get it. I told her we'd have to mail it. Mostly because I wanted to make sure we had a copy for future reference. :)
Then, she came home yesterday with homework to write a letter to Santa. So she made another one. This time she didn't ask for help on anything, so it's 100% her own. I can't believe my kid's old enough to be writing letters to Santa!!! I LOVE it!
Here are the translations:
Dear Santa,
What Hannah wants for Christmas is a Barbie house and barbies.
(side words, "I hope you like my picture.")
Dear Santa what I want for Christmas is a puppy
(Back - I think she realized she hadn't put her name on the front so she wanted to make sure he knew who was asking)
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is a puppy.
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is a barbie house and barbies.
Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is a dream light and a kite, and a kitten, and why do you like cookies so much?
(I'm going to have to teach her that usually you don't end a letter with "Dear")
I'm seriously in love with the Santa and the Elf. Is this not like EXACTLY what you imagine a kid's letter to Santa to look like? It's like she pulled the vision out of my head and put them on paper! I LOVE it!
I'm also glad she wrote the 2nd one because I don't think Santa's going to be bringing her a puppy. :)
Monday, November 26, 2012
Our Thanksgiving
Whoa! I totally thought I published this back in November. Nope, it was just waiting around in my drafts folder. Sorry about that. I'm going to try and get caught up with holiday blogs over the next week. So I guess I'll start here. :)

This year we did Thanksgiving at my parent's house in California.
While I do love eating the food, I have to say, I think that cooking it is almost just as fun for me. Especially when everyone's pitching in.
Bart was very concerned about the turkey. He kept asking my mom what she was planning on doing, if she was going to use a brine, what flavors it was going to be, etc. She thought it was pretty funny, and just let Bart take over, and let me tell you, it was incredible! I've NEVER had such a moist turkey. My husband is officially King of the Turkey. His task next Thanksgiving: The Stuffing.
And poor Eric. He grew up in a house full of controlling women (we give Bart special treatment because He was so willing to help, and then whenever he tried to do something at least three of us were there watching over his shoulder explaining what he was doing wrong. But I have to say, everything he worked on ended up tasting great. Eric, you're a saint for putting up with us. ;)

My Grandparents also got to join us this year. I can't remember the last time I spent Thanksgiving with them. It was so great having them there. We played games, put together puzzles, and just talked and enjoyed each other's company. It was wonderful!
These little ladies got tired of waiting, so they had a Thanksgiving feast of Bananas, peanut butter Ritz, and yogurt bites. And then went to take a nap just in time to let the rest of us eat in peace. :)
And while I'm sure they thoroughly enjoyed their bananas, yogurt bits, and peanut butter Ritz, I'm awfully glad I waited for the real feast. :)

Of all the things I'm grateful for, I think I'm most grateful for my family. I have been so blessed. No matter where we are, it's always wonderful being with them.
Sunday, November 04, 2012
All I want for Christmas...
On the 6th of last month, Addison lost her third tooth.
Then, on the 23rd, Addison came up to me with a big smile on her face, and a crooked tooth in her mouth.
Then, on the 23rd, Addison came up to me with a big smile on her face, and a crooked tooth in her mouth.
The next day, that little baby came out too.
If she keeps this up, she's going to be eating nothing but smoothies for a while.
I'm secretly hoping the other one doesn't start growing in until January. As I recall, when I was about 6 years old, all I wanted for Christmas was my two front teeth too. :)
I'm secretly hoping the other one doesn't start growing in until January. As I recall, when I was about 6 years old, all I wanted for Christmas was my two front teeth too. :)
Friday, November 02, 2012
The Way I View - Halloween
So when the twins were born, I dreamed of taking full advantage of them when they were toddlers and dressing them up as Thing 1 and Thing 2 for Halloween. Two days ago I realized that dream. In fact, we made it a family ordeal.
About a year ago, just after Halloween, I asked Addison what she thought about our whole family dressing up as characters from the Cat in the Hat next year. She was thrilled when I suggested she be Sally.
She also suggested Hannah be Nick (for those of you wondering "who?", there's a Cat in the Hat series on PBS staring the Cat, Sally, and Nick, Sally's friend...I assume it's a friend...although I suppose I don't really know. He could be her adopted or half brother I suppose...I haven't watched closely enough to figure it out...but I'll go with friend). At this suggestion, I responded, "How about the fish instead?"
Not gonna lie, I was pretty intimidated at the thought of one of my kids being the fish. I was planning on doing everything as inexpensively as possible, which meant making costumes, and I had no idea how to do a fish. Fortunately I found this blog, and took it from there. In retrospect I would have changed the head to look more like a fish and less like an octopus. I also would have made it a bit smaller, but overall I'm pretty pleased with the way it turned out.
I also am pretty proud of the fish bowl. Bart does these people sculptures out of packing tape with his art classes every so often. I used the same technique with a yoga ball instead of a person....well, really Bart did most of the work. :) (Like I said, it was a family ordeal.) If I had had more time I would have cut down the top a little more so it'd look a little less like a ball, but eh. She was happy with it and so was I.
In fact, Hannah wasn't just Happy with it, she LOVED it! All night she was doing this little dance down the street singing, "I am the fish, I am the fish." A few days before Halloween I even heard Addison telling someone that if she had known the Fish would have a fish bowl, she would have wanted to be the fish. The bowl was a hit.
We decided Maya would be thing one since she was born first.
And let me tell you, it's a small miracle that I got any pictures of her. She WOULD NOT sit still for even a second...EVER. Most of the pictures I got of her (and Lilly for that matter). Were very out of focus. They played the part of energetic Thing 1 & 2 VERY well.
And here's Lilly:
Not gonna lie, they made some pretty dang cute...Things.

I gotta teach Lilly how to kiss without sticking that tongue out. ;)
At first the twins weren't quite sure about the whole trick or treating thing. They are rather shy shy around people they don't know well.
But they warmed up to it quickly. It kind of reminded me of that Jerry Seinfeld sketch, "Everyone that we know is just giving out candy?!?!"
And Addison was actually with us. She was just a lot faster than the rest of us. As soon as she got the candy in her bag, she was off to the next door. Thing 1 & 2 and the fish needed a little help getting down stairs (it's hard to walk in a fish bowl).
My sister Stacy came with us too. She dressed up as a nerd. She was the cutest little nerd I've ever seen. :)
This was the most decorated house we went to.

In fact, there was a little boy right behind us that refused to go to the door because he was scared. Poor little guy.
Overall it was a really great Halloween.

If anyone else in my blog circle posts, I'll link to their blog, but in the mean time, here's a link to another blog circle doing the same theme: Enjoy!
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