Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Doctors, Doctors, Doctors, and More Doctors.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
A Last and two Firsts, and a second.
My family came to visit on the Thursday before labor day. They came up to bring Amy’s stuff back up to college, and so that we could see Eric one more time before he leaves on his mission. It was a lot of fun hanging out with them all weekend. Eric even helped us get and install a new hard drive on our computer…we are SOOOOOOOOO screwed technologically when he leaves.
Friday we ran some last minute mission errands. Eric & Bart stayed up late playing Star Wars Lego. Bart loved it. I’m still trying to figure out if Bart or I will miss Eric more. :o)
The next day Dad, Eric, & Bart got to go to the BYU game. It was AWESOME!!! Mom & I stayed home to watch the game. It was an awesome game!
Monday morning Amy & I drove my mom, dad, and Eric up to the airport. It was really sad. I think it’s not quite sinking in that that will be the last time I will see him for 2 years!!! I bet it will really start to sink in after he leaves and I can’t talk to him on the phone any more.
On Saturday, Addison got a runny nose. I wasn’t too worried because it was clear, so I thought that she was probably just teething. On Sunday it got a little worse, and was more cloudy, but she also was sneezing a lot and her eyes were watering, so I thought maybe it was just allergies. Bart has bad allergies, and they’ve been acting up a lot lately.
She didn’t sleep very well Sunday night because she couldn’t breathe, so I decided I’d set up an appointment with the doctor on Tuesday just in case. Monday night she slept very well, and even slept in until 9:00. I almost didn’t call the doctor because she seemed to be doing better, but I figured I’d better go to figure out whether or not she had allergies.
Addison’s nose had stopped running, and she was as happy as could be when we got to the doctors. I felt a little silly being there, but when the doctor looked in her right ear it was bright red. She said, “Wow! I can’t believe you’re so happy little girl. That’s a pretty bad ear infection.” She wrote out a prescription for the infection and sent us on our way. I NEVER would have guessed it was an ear infection! She’s been SOOOOOOO happy lately! She’s hardly been fussy at all!!! I SWEAR! I have the happiest baby in the world.
So this week I saw my brother for the last time in two years, and Addison had her first ear infection. So far, a not-so-good first and last, but it gets better!
I got Addison some nesting cups and "The Very Quiet Cricket". My family got her a bunch of cute clothes. One of which she wore on her birthday. Bart's Family got her a doll, a bunch of awesome books, some really cool balls, and some sippy cups. She loves them ALL!!! She is just thrilled to have some new toys around. :)
I wanted to make chocolate cupcakes that I could frost and then let her get as dirty as she wanted eating it. But I totally burnt them, so I had to make brownie panckaes because we didnt' have any more cake mix.
The next day some of Bart's Brothers and Sisters were coming down to celebrate Addison's birthday, so I went and got a cake mix and made some cupcakes. Addison got her day with the frosting. :)
Bart's Parents, Sarah, Charles, Heather, and her sister Michelle stayed the night. The next day, Amy, Heather, Michelle, Sarah and I ran the Spanish Fork 5k. And I came in 2nd in my age group!!! YAY! True, if I hadn't had a birthday last month, I would have been like 17th, but we won't think about that. And! The only girl who came in ahead of me won the entire 5k!!! (Boys & Girls Considered)!!! So I was pretty proud of myself.
Sarah also took first in her age group, and Michelle took third, so in our group we had a first, a second, and a third. :)
Although the last at the beginning of the week was a little sad, Eric is going to serve the Lord...and although the ear ache was not fun, we are grateful that she hasn't had more. So overall it was a pretty good week.