I could tell she really needed to go and she was getting kind of squirmy and looking around nervously. Then I remembered she always goes and hides when she has to go poop, so I asked her, "Do you want mommy to wait outside while you go?" "Yeah!"
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
She did it!!!
I could tell she really needed to go and she was getting kind of squirmy and looking around nervously. Then I remembered she always goes and hides when she has to go poop, so I asked her, "Do you want mommy to wait outside while you go?" "Yeah!"
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Spilled Salt
I like my grapefruits with salt on them. Sounds weird, I know, but don't knock it before you try it. It takes away the bitter edge and enhances the flavor. :o)
Anyway, I have been taking our salt shaker and a little knife to cut up my grapefruit to work every day. I am always very careful about turning the little top to closed so that I don't get a purse full of salt.
Well, either I wasn't so careful yesterday, or the little spinner top got turned in my purse because when I grabbed the salt today it was considerably lighter than yesterday. Are you still supposed to throw some salt over your shoulder if the spilled salt never touches the ground? And are you supposed to throw it over your right or left shoulder? Normally I am not a superstitious person...but it was a lot of salt.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Hot Hot Hot
We headed downstairs and I said to daddy, "Daddy, Addison says you gave her something and it was hot hot hot." Bart just laughs.
He had been eating some hot chips and Addison asked for one. We've given her hot things before and she actually liked them. So Bart broke off a tiny piece and gave it to her. She liked it and asked for more. Eventually Bart got tired of breaking her off tiny pieces, so he gave her a whole chip and told her to break off her own little pieces. Apparently she didn't have patience to break them off into little pieces either.
The Peacemaker
Well, today Bart was really frustrated at something that had happened during the day and was venting to me. I was enthusiastically agreeing with his point of view. Addison runs in, serious look on face, hands in the air, "Stop guys! Stop!" We both just burst out laughing. She is our little peacemaker.
A New President
I know we will have our disagreements, and that I will most likely rant a lot over the next 4 to 8 years, but I do wish the best for him. I am glad that my children are living in a country that, as Dr. King said, judges people not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
When I listened to President Obama's swearing in and inauguration speech today I was dang proud to be an American, and I am glad to have had the opportunity to have lived to see such an awesome historical moment. Good luck Mr. President.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Sick Sick Sick.
You know how sometimes when you've been sick...especially if it's just a cold...if you just get up and do something outside of the house, you feel a little better. I had been working from home, and feeling worse each day, so I started to think it was just because I was couped up in the house all day and not really doing anything but working and feeling sorry for myself.
So Thursday, Addison seemed to be considerably better. She has been asking me to go to day care all week, so despite my feeling worse on Friday, I dropped her off at day care and headed off to work. I was sure I'd feel better once I was out of the house not thinking about being sick. Boy was I wrong! I felt worse than ever! What a miserable day.
I've been really trying to take it easy the past two days and feel better at times, but if I'm up and walking around at all I start to feel HORRIBLE! I swear my stomach is like constantly full of flem I'm coughing so much! I never really feel hungry even though I haven't eaten, and when I do eat I can only eat a tiny bit before feeling so full I feel like I'm going to throw up...which has happened a few times...I think more because I'm gaging on my coughs than because of the actual sickness...but it still stinks!!!
And to make things worse, I'm losing weight!!! (Te he he, under any other circumstances I might be happy with that, but not while I'm pregnant!!!) I had lost like 10 pounds while I was morning sick and had finally gained that back and even gained a pound and a half more before I got this cold. Now I'm back down to two pounds below my weight when I got pregnant! And I'm almost 5 months along! My belly is definitely bigger and nothing else seems smaller so I really don't know where that extra weight has come off. Oh well, I'm sure I'll make it up in the next four months. I hate being sick.
Addison hates it too. She is considerably better, but her nose was still running a bit, so I wasn't sure if I wanted to take her to nursery. I finally decided to just take her home after sacrament meeting, but she wouldn't have it. She threw a fit when we tried to get her to put her coat on and go home. She kept saying she wanted to go to Nursery. So I finally gave in and told the Nursery leaders to come and get me if her nose seemed bad and I would take her home.
At least she loves nursery. I can't believe that a year from now she's going to be a Sunbeam! SOOOOOOOOOOO crazy!!!
Meeting Santa
We stood semi-patiently in line, and while we were doing so, Addison noticed Santa was giving everyone that sat on his lap a candy cane. She gladly hopped on his lap and, when he asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she was ready, and exclaimed,"A Treat!" Santa was happy to oblige.
Thanks to the Wilsons for taking the picture and sending us a copy! We are glad we have a picture of Addison's first Santa experience.
New Year's Eve
This was the leaving cue:
I was sitting on the couch and Benjamin climbed up on me and laied down on my lap. Addison followed (I think more because she didn't want to be left out of anything than because she was tired, but we still took the hint).
And Christa, I just realized I didn't get a picture of the three of us togeather. Can you email me your copy? It was a great way to ring in the new year!
Happy Faces at Sam's Club
I was blown away. I had no idea how she would know that they would do that.
Then I remembered that sometimes Robyn and Nyla take the kids out to run errands. I ran into them one weekend at Sam's club, so I knew they went to Sam's club sometimes. So the next day I asked them if they ever took the kids to Sam's club with them. Sure enough, they do, and when they leave, the receipt checkers always give everyone a smiley face on their hand...the mystery is solved!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Other Christmas Antics
Sledding: I didn't get any pictures of the actual sledding, so family, if any of you have pictures of Addison, Bart or I sledding, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, email them, I want to scrapbook them.
Grandma with her two grand babies. Next year at this time there will be two more to add to this picture!
All the Girls...well, except one. The week after we left Moab, Bart's Brother Sam got engaged to Holly. We LOVE her so much and are SOOOOO excited to have her as a sister in law! She's going to be an AWESOME addition to the family! Congratulations guys!!!
And finally Our little family. It was a great Christmas.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Oh Where Is my Addison?
Oh where is my Addison?
Oh where is my Addison?
Oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where...is my Addison?
At which point I throw open the shower curtain and we both laugh.
Well, since she's been sick the last few days I've been giving her a bath in the morning while I get ready. Yesterday she pulled the curtain closed and started singing:
Oh where is my Mommy?
Oh where is my Mommy?
Oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where, oh where...is my Mommy?
At which point she threw open the curtain and looked up at me with a huge smile. Oh my gosh, I LOVE my baby!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Viva La Vida
I thought that was rubbish. The only time I got goosebumps was when I heard certain church songs, and that was more because of the meaning of the lyrics to me personally than because of the music itself. (The only possible exception was when I went to the Symphony in Vienna...I don't really remember whether or not I got goosebumps, but I could see it happening). Anyway, there were a lot of songs I thought were really great songs that I never got goosebumps when I heard.
Well, I have now experienced my first goosebump song. Every time I hear the opening bars of Coldplay's Viva La Vida, I break out in goosebumps! Crazy! Maybe there is something to what he says.